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Look here for the weekend math challenge as well!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Weekend Math Challenge

This is a tough one! Read carefully!

Pet Care 

Rebecca decides to start her own pet-care business. Four neighbours are going on holidays and hire Rebecca to watch their animals while they are away. Rebecca is paid for each visit that she makes to the houses. She makes 30 visits overall. 

• Rebecca visits the Smiths’ house three times a day to feed and walk their dog for the three days they are away. 
• The Kings’ snake, needs one less visit per day than the Smiths’ dog. But the Kings are away one more day than the Smiths. 
• The Webers’ turtle is fed the same number of times a day as the snake. The Webers are away for one more day than the Kings. 
• Rebecca visits the Starks’ fish once a day. 

How many days were the Starks away? A chart might be helpful.