Welcome to our class blog! There will be lots of informations about upcoming events, assignments, special events and more. If you have any questions, I can be contacted at sandra.earl@ed.amdsb.ca

Look here for the weekend math challenge as well!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Weekend Math Challenge

This is a tough one! Read carefully!

Pet Care 

Rebecca decides to start her own pet-care business. Four neighbours are going on holidays and hire Rebecca to watch their animals while they are away. Rebecca is paid for each visit that she makes to the houses. She makes 30 visits overall. 

• Rebecca visits the Smiths’ house three times a day to feed and walk their dog for the three days they are away. 
• The Kings’ snake, needs one less visit per day than the Smiths’ dog. But the Kings are away one more day than the Smiths. 
• The Webers’ turtle is fed the same number of times a day as the snake. The Webers are away for one more day than the Kings. 
• Rebecca visits the Starks’ fish once a day. 

How many days were the Starks away? A chart might be helpful. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Time Math Challenge

Image result for store hours sign
Last week, Jenna worked on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. She took an hour for her lunch break each day. How many hours did she work last week?

Show all your math thinking in picture, words, and numbers. Use a number line or pictures of clocks if necessary.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Math Challenge

Peter completed a bike tour 3 hours and 26 minutes after he started. If he started at 8.15a.m., what time did he finish?
Image result for man on bike

Your solution is due on Monday. Be sure to show HOW you got your answer and explain your thinking.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Our spelling program has begun! Each week, there will be a new list of words (except for any 4-day weeks - no list). On Mondays, students will write their words into their planners. We will work with these words all week in various ways (games, writing, etc.). The spelling tests will take place on Fridays.

Also, our Patterning math test will take place this Friday (November 18th).

Friday, November 11, 2016

Weekend Math Challenge

Annual Fall Parade

It’s time for the annual school fall parade. The fourth grade classes decide to march in a special formation this year. One person walks in the first row, two people walk in the second row and three people walk in the third row. This pattern continues on and on.

• If the whole fourth grade marches in 10 full rows, how many students are in fourth grade?

• Use numbers, words, tables and/or pictures to explain how you know your answer is correct.
Image result for autumn leaves
Your solution is due to Ms. Earl on Monday.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reading Response Journals

Reading Response Journal (RRJ) Guidelines

Your RRJ will be used to write about what you are reading. You may make predictions and connections about what you read. You can write your thoughts about characters, the author’s writing style, your favourite events and your suggestions. Use the pages in the front of your journal for ideas. Your teacher wants to know it all!

Each entry will start the same way. Please write these three things each time. Your journal entry should be about 5 sentences long.

You must hand in one journal entry each week (or once every 5 school days).

Title of book:
My thoughts:

Here's an example:

Date: October 15th
Title: Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume
My thoughts: I am really enjoying reading this funny chapter book. Fudge gets into so much trouble and Peter is so frustrated with him! I can totally relate to Peter because I have a younger sister who gets into all of my things. She doesn't stay out of my room and has broken some of my toys. She didn't get into much trouble, so I know how Peter feels.

I think in the next chapter, Fudge will break something valuable and Peter will be blamed for it.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Pulleys and Gears Test

The unit test for Pulleys and Gears is on Friday. A study page of key concepts was sent home today. The students should bring their notes home every day this week.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Patterning Math Challenge

Nikki has one red, two blue, and two yellow bears. She builds a tower by stacking the bears one on top of another. She must follow these rules:

1. No teddy bears of the same colour are next to each other.
2. The top teddy bear is not yellow.
3. The teddy bear in the centre is not red.
4. One yellow teddy bear is immediately below a red one.
5. The bottom teddy bear is not yellow.

What does the tower look like? Draw a picture to explain your thinking. Your solution is due to Ms. Earl on Monday.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Non-fiction Book Reports

We have been reading lots of non-fiction books. We have discussed the different features and how they help us understand the text. Each student has chosen a non-fiction book to report on. These book reports are due on Thursday. We will be working on them in class, but parents need to check over the sentences and help with finishing details.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Halloween Math Challenge

Have a "Spook"-tacular Halloween!
Image result for halloween candy
How much candy did Billy get when he went trick or treating?

He has between 20 and 30 pieces. If he shares it equally between himself and 1 friend, he will have one piece left over.
If he shares it equally between himself and 2 friends, there will be none left over.
If he shares it equally between himself and 3 friends, there will be three pieces left over.

Your solution is due to Ms. Earl on Monday morning. Be sure to show all your math thinking and explain your problem solving strategies.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Piggy Bank Math Challenge

Alyssa emptied her piggy bank. She separated the loonies, quarters, and dimes into piles. One pile had 5 coins, one had 4 coins, and one had 3 coins. Altogether Alyssa had $5.25. Which coins did she have?
Submit your solution to Ms. Earl on Monday. Be sure to explain your math thinking along with showing your number work.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Math Challenge

Can you solve these riddles?
Here's an example: 365 D in a Y = 365 days in a year

Now it's your turn.

1. 24 H in a D
2. 2 W on a B
3. 26 L in the A
4. 52 W in a Y
5. 100 C in a M

Your solutions are due to Ms. Earl on Monday. Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Math Quiz on Friday!

Here are the topics for the math quiz:

  • represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 10 00
  • read and print in words whole numbers to ten thousand
  • demonstrate an understanding of place value in whole numbers from 1 to 9999
  • solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of four-digit numbers
A practice quiz was sent home yesterday for review. A practice worksheet was sent home on Wednesday.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Math Square Challenge

Magic Squares are fun! Why?
  • All the rows add up to same the sum.
  • All columns add up to same the sum.
  • Both diagonals add up to the same sum.
  • All of these sums are the same!

Here's your challenge for the weekend. Fill in the missing numbers to complete the Magic Square. Your solution is due to Ms. Earl on Monday.

Follow us on Instagram!

Our class is on Instagram! Follow us to see some great pics of our classroom activities - @mres4b

Friday, September 23, 2016

Weekend Math Challenge

Would you rather work for seven days at $20 per day or work the first day for $2 and have your salary double every day for a week?

Show your solution on paper and explain your thinking. Solutions are due on Monday.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Toonies for Terry

Our Terry Fox fundraising event has begun! This year, our goal is $1000. Students and staff may purchase a toonie cutout for $2 to be placed on our poster in the front hall. Our Terry Fox walk will be on September 29th.

Friday, September 9, 2016

First Math Challenge!

Ryder was scared as he knocked on the door. A low voice said, "Before I open the door, you must say the secret number."
Here are some clues:
  • It is greater than 275.
  • It is less than 325.
  • If you count by 5's, you say its name.
  • It can be divided evenly by 3 and 9.

What is the secret number? Write your answer and name on a piece of paper and give it to Ms. Earl on Monday.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Off to a Great Start!

4B is off to the races! We've had a busy week of organizing the classroom, learning routines, getting to know each other, and having fun! We have 27 eager learners and 1 excited teacher in Room 1.37. We will be very busy in the coming weeks.