Welcome to our class blog! There will be lots of informations about upcoming events, assignments, special events and more. If you have any questions, I can be contacted at sandra.earl@ed.amdsb.ca

Look here for the weekend math challenge as well!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Math Challenge

John works in a multi-level office building. He doesn't like taking the elevator. One day he wondered how many stairs he climbs to get to his office. To enter his building, John has to climb a set of 12 stairs. Then he climbs six sets of 11 stairs and two sets of 10 stairs. At the end of the day, he climbs the same number of stairs to leave the building. How many stairs does he climb every day at work?
Your solution is due to Ms.Earl on Monday. Be sure to show all your thinking (not just the answer).

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